Our Older Carer Service, within our Carers Hub, supports people aged 60+ who are looking after a loved one, and people of any age who are caring for someone older. We offer a range of age-appropriate carer services to get you connected and improve your quality of life.
Looking after someone can be rewarding, but also physically & emotionally demanding and is likely to impact on other areas of your life. The extra care you provide to your loved one, means that in addition to the ongoing relationship you share, you are also their ‘carer’.
You may be new to caring following a loved one’s diagnosis, or you may have been caring long-term for a family member or child. They may need extra care due to dementia, a physical or learning disability, mental health condition, frailty, addiction or any long-term condition.
We recognise that older carers are at a unique stage of life and have a unique set of needs. Many struggle to come to terms with their changing relationships and the loss of the future they had planned. They can find themselves feeling isolated and disconnected from community life and the interests & friendships they once enjoyed. You may feel exhausted, and your own health and wellbeing may suffer, as you prioritise the needs of the person you care for before your own.
We can help you with information around entitlement to statutory services, how to access local support networks and advice on legal matters, like power of attorney, guardianship and wills, or benefits and money worries.
You may feel you lack the skills and knowledge to cope with your caring role or just need some time out to meet people and pursue your own interests. Our carers Hub can get you connected with age-appropriate activities and help you meet people your age who share your experiences.
Whatever your situation, our supports are tailored to your unique set of circumstances. We will work with you to identify your priorities and provide ongoing support through each stage of your journey.
“Parkview regularly uses the Carers Hub service as part of a patient’s post-diagnosis support as it can be vital in helping carers cope with potential changes and stress associated with Dementia. The friendliness and dedication of the Carers Hub team has a very positive influence on staff and service users.”
“Having support from the Carers Hub put my mind at ease, it’s hard enough trying to do all the day-to-day stuff, but understanding how to get help and sort finances really helped us. Thank you.”
“The increase in our benefits has turned my life around. I’m now able to pay my bills, buy food and heat my home without worrying. I feel so much less stressed and feel better about myself. I feel much more supported in my role and less isolated.”
“The Carers Hub has been a wonderful support to me over the last few years. The sense of love and warmth from the staff and other carers is overwhelming.”