It’s been a busy month at the Carers’ Hub with our wellbeing programme back up and going again. Check out the list of activities that are on Mondays and Wednesdays.
We were sorry to say good-bye to Susana Garcia who has been doing Music and Movement Therapy with us for the past year. Her classes have been much appreciated by those who attended. We wish her well as she develops her practice in other places.
Our Burns by Candlelight went down a treat with the usual Burns supper and then a session of Burns’ music by Siobhan Argyle from Anam Alba. Siobhan has been with us many times before leading song writing sessions and other craft sessions, so it was lovely to have her with us for this special evening.
We’re starting up some new groups and sessions this year, trialling different days and times to suit the needs of carers, especially those who are parents and those who work. Check out the Peer Support Group page for all the latest groups that are planned.
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