About Ruth Forsythe

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So far Ruth Forsythe has created 11 blog entries.

Wellbeing Programme

Our new autumn wellbeing programme starts back 19th Aug. Join us for any or all of the activities, meet other carers, look after yourself, have fun, keep fit, de-stress - and so much more. Don't forget we can provide respite cover for you if you need it to get time for yourself. Contact Ruth for more information: ruth@eastend-carers.co.uk

2024-11-20T16:08:27+00:00Carers Hub, Dates for your Diary|Comments Off on Wellbeing Programme

Being a carer affects our relationships with our family and many others. We have put together a course to explore the changes in relationships that can take place when we are a carer. We will explore the process of change, roles and responsibilities, dealing with our emotions, communicating well, and mental health and wellbeing. The course will start on Thursday 29th Aug, 9.30am-12.30am, for four weeks, and then a reflective session on 10th October. More info from ruth@eastend-carers.co.uk

2024-08-19T10:21:36+01:00Carers Hub, Dates for your Diary|Comments Off on

Men’s Group activities

At East End Carers we seek to support male carers as they deal with the task of looking after their loved one. We have a men's support group that meets every month, with special events occasionally. Coming up... Gardening sessions - weekly on Thursdays, 2-4pm Visit to Tennents Brewery - Thursday 19th September Visit to Hampden Stadium - Thursday 31st October For more information contact Louise: louise@eastend-carers.co.uk

2024-08-19T10:57:09+01:00Dates for your Diary|Comments Off on Men’s Group activities

Wellbeing at the Hub

Our Wellbeing programme is underway with lots to help you deal with stress, enjoy some time being creative, or just get out of the house for lunch. We have Music & Movement, Chair Yoga, Tai Chi, Crafts, Singing and other wellbeing sessions on Mondays and Wednesdays. We are also serving soup lunches on these days so you can stay for a couple of sessions. Check out the information on the Wellbeing Page. We can provide replacement care while you attend any of our [...]

2024-01-17T16:50:39+00:00Carers Hub, Event|Comments Off on Wellbeing at the Hub

Christmas and New Year

Our Christmas events are over and we enjoyed seeing every one at the lunch, the wreath workshop and the craft session. The hub office will be closed from 12pm Friday 22nd Dec until 9am Wednesday 3rd Jan. Our latest news update with all the news of our sessions starting up in January, can be found here. New activities include Music and Movement, Chair Yoga, Singing, Tai Chi and various other wellbeing sessions. They are all listed here. We look forward to seeing many [...]

2023-12-21T11:37:47+00:00Uncategorised|Comments Off on Christmas and New Year

Christmas Events at the Hub

Christmas is coming and we have several events planned for the season at the Carers' Hub. You can sign up for each event through the links below or call Harriet at Reception on 0141 764 0550. On 1st Dec, 10am - 12pm, there will be a workshop to make a Christmas wreath with willow and natural materials, then the wreath can be re-used and redecorated for other seasons of the year.  You can sign up for this event here. On 7th Dec, 1-3.30pm,  [...]

2023-11-17T13:44:34+00:00Uncategorised|Comments Off on Christmas Events at the Hub
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