Glasgow Centre for Inclusive Living (GCIL) will be running information sessions on Self-Directed Support (SDS). Sessions last 90 minutes and are available on the following dates;
Thursday 14th, 10.30am – 12noon
Wednesday 27th, 6pm – 7.30pm
Thursday 11th, 10.30am – 12noon
Wednesday 24th, 6pm – 7.30pm
Wednesday 10th 10.30 – 12noon
Wednesday 24th, 6pm – 7.30pm
Find out:
- What is Self-Directed Support?
- What rights do I have?
- What about family carers?
- How do I get an assessment of my needs?
- What are the four options?
- How can GCIL and Take Control support me?
GCIL will also answer any questions you may have on the day!
To book a free place, visit the below link;
British Sign Language (BSL) users can contact us via
For more information on SDS visit the following link for some user-friendly information;