Scotland’s unpaid carers will begin to receive Covid-19 vaccination from week commencing 22nd February.
Phase 1 – starting 22nd February Those already identified as an unpaid carer via Social Security Scotland and the NHS will begin to receive letters with a scheduled appointment. The letter will give information on how to change your appointment time and location. You’ll be able to do this by phone or by logging into an online portal.
Phase 2 – starting early March Those not already known as an unpaid carer via Social Security Scotland or the NHS will now be able to self-refer. Information will be circulated closer to the time.
How will I know what to do?
- ScotGov will run a live media campaign and share information on social media.
- Carers Centres will receive a letter to circulate to their mailing lists and social media.
Carers will be directed to a self-referral portal where they will be able to register and choose a suitable time and location. There will be some simple questions about your caring role. There will be options available to do this by telephone for those who don’t use technology.
I am an unpaid carer. Can I be vaccinated at the same time as the person I look after?
While this may be practical for you, this will not be possible. People should be vaccinated along with their own priority group and are asked to respect more vulnerable groups.
Can I take the person I look after with me when I go?
Yes, if you cannot leave the person you look after unattended you may take them with you.
Am I an unpaid carer?
An unpaid carer is anyone looking after a family member, friend or neighbour who needs help. They might have an illness, disability, physical or mental health problem, or addiction. A carer does not need to be living with the person they care for. Anybody can become a carer at any time in their life.
To qualify for the vaccine as an unpaid carer you DO NOT require to be in receipt of Carers Allowance or be registered as an unpaid carer with your GP or carers centre.
There is further information on unpaid carers and the COVID-19 vaccination on the Scottish Government’s COVID-19 advice for unpaid carers web-page.…/coronavirus-covid-19-vaccine
For further information, see the NHS Inform coronavirus vaccine web-page. If you have any enquiries about the COVID-19 vaccine, you can contact the Coronavirus Vaccination Helpline on 0800 030 8013 (available 8am – 8pm all week). Leaflets are available in accessible formats and languages via the helpline.
Information is correct at time of writing. Updates will be posted as these become available.